♥♥٭First love true catalyst is your coming to terms with the fact that you need someone's hand to hold,someone whose special smile is researved only for you,and someone whom will make you feel all sorts things that you're never felt before.Maybe you think you're not ready for it.Maybe you suspect it wont do you any good.Maybe it'll just complicate your life.But,really,would you pass up on it?
For starters,when first love happens,you don't know that it is happening.The clue are at the height of first love fever,delirious with anticipation,and scared out of their minds at the thought of possible heartbreak.
First love especially when thwarted,can hurt like hell.But then first love isn't necessarily a privilege accorded only to young.The fact,they're handicapped by their preconceived notion of love.Whether or not they find triumph over them is worth finding out.But then when you're older,the intensity of disappointments that you can easily shrug off when you're young is greatly multiplied.One's first love is almost always identified in hindsight.First love really isn't about who is first.Its about who truly matters.Still,because its probably the first major life experience wherein you are an active leading participants,first love has the power to dictate how you deal with relationships later on.as in math problem,this becomes the value of X.It affects how the problem is resolved.It changes everything.٭♥♥
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